Monday, December 6, 2010

Find natural alternatives for statin drugs may be easier to what you might believe

For a number of years now statin drugs (HMG-co-A reductase inhibitors) have been the gold standard to reduce cholesterol and lower risk of heart attack or stroke. But in recent years a funny thing seems to be happening on the road to the pharmacy, and is the realization of these drugs in fact that a number of risks of side effects, some of which may be severe.

The most recent was a controversial finding link statin drugs to an increased risk for diabetes. Other well-known side effect concerns include liver problems, muscle pain, head lamp, fever, nausea, and headaches. On rare occasions statin drugs may even cause rhabdomyolysis, which occurs when the cells are deprived of cholesterol, and finally begin to die.

Some Statins are almost household names such as crestor and Lipitor, Zocor, and you will be surprised to know that these drugs are just some of the prescription of all medicines. There is little argument that these types of drugs are effective in reducing cholesterol, but many people are beginning to wonder at what price.

Thus it is no wonder that large amounts of cholesterol challenged individuals are beginning to look at the natural alternative to Statins as a way to reduce cholesterol levels and improve cardiovascular health.

Herbs and supplements

Busting cholesterol herbs and supplements can be found in abundance in most grocery mega stores, points of sale of food, pharmacy, online these days. Some as (psyllium) work by binding with cholesterol in the intestine and making the body before it has a chance to cause problems.

Others like red yeast rice mimic the action of statin medications but does not submit the same number of risks of side effects.

Then you have that combine cholesterol cholesterol supplements ending with ingredients like the policosanol, phytosterols and lecithin oil all of which are compatible with solid research proclaiming its decrease cholesterol properties.

And finally there is oil fish, which is quickly becoming a heart and artery health supplement widely accepted by physicians and natural health advocates. Rich in omega-3 fish oil has demonstrated to improve cardiovascular by lowering triglycerides, lower your LDL (bad cholesterol) cholesterol and raise HDL (good cholesterol) health. Studies show that it is also one of the few substances (man or natural) actually reducing pre-existing arterial plaque deposits reduces blood pressure levels.

Exercise and diet

While herbs and supplements that are considered very good alternatives to the Statin medications can not do it alone and will have to be mixed with diet and exercise.

The exercise has proved to be a natural way to improve relations of cholesterol and improve cardiovascular health. Activities such as water aerobics, walking, hiking and cycling are excellent options which have proved useful in the fight against high cholesterol when performed on a regular basis.

Diet that refers to lower cholesterol high is topic requiring volumes to be fully covered. However, boils down it to eat a well balanced diet that is low in fat; low-cholesterol; and contains lots of fruit, vegetables, fish fatty cold water and soluble fiber foods. Salt is another consideration.

In conclusion, find a natural alternative to statin medications is not about travel to the deepest, darkest an unexplored jungle in search of the mysteriously intoxicating cholesterol reducers flower corner. The truth is not, alternative natural Statin medications are our around, everything you need to do is gather up a dose of willpower and make a commitment to ourselves and our families, to do a better job of controlling our cholesterol naturally.

Rob D. Hawkins is a proponent of consumer enthusiasts of natural health and natural life with more than 10 years of experience in the field. Please click here to learn more about cholesterol and the many benefits of natural cholesterol supplements

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