Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Biopharmaceutical plants and its incredible benefits

Biopharmaceutical plants has shown a tremendous development within a short period of time, and it has shown continued growth in the field of pharmaceutical engineering. These plants that customers feel are the top priority and that try to full fill all the needs of their customers through the use of simple business theory. The biopharmaceutical industry and professional employees together trying to bright measures useful products from manufacturers for their customers.

The biopharmaceutical industry has very experienced employees and also has excellent management teams to ensure all clients to obtain satisfaction and confidence in themselves and hope for life through the use of effective medications. There are various tests to demonstrate that they got many records of specialization of health care organizations.The biopharmaceutical industry uses new technologies and tools for the rapid growth in negocios.Ellos sectors are hiring many intelligent pharmaceutical engineers for different advanced fields such as the industries of biotechnological and pharmaceutical generic drugs.

Biopharmaceutical plants work to development and lots of useful and efficient drug and its elements basicos.Se concentrated primarily in your business and investments in important resources and above all focuses on the growth of your organization.Therefore, this type of business plans are able to produce better products and increase industrial production.

Exposure to dangerous drugs containing various toxic substances are manufactured cause many health problems, this was his main concern prevent health through the use of these drugs problems peligrosas.Biofarmaceutica Industries, focusing mainly on problems of health through the use of these toxic drugs instead trying to use resources botanists in the manufacture of medicines esenciales.Ellos are focusing on production facilities to offer extremely purified chemicals processing and increase their business in the therapeutic world.

Biopharmaceutical plants has contributed much to the medical world and they are still working hard to give everyone the best result.

Avoiding the flu this season - get a flu shot

Flu season is upon us and there will be many people trying to combat the flu or ignore it. Ignoring the flu is not a good idea because it is a dangerous disease. Between 1979 and 2001 had more then 200 thousand people hospitalization with flu or its complications each year. And between 1990 and 1999 approximately thirty six thousand people succumbed to the disease each year. The disease is more likely to attack the senior community.

The Centre for the control and prevention (CDC) diseases says that the best thing to do for neighbourhood facing the flu is having a flu each year. suggest that nobody six months or older must have a flu vaccine.

If you feel tired and slow, muscle ache, has a headache and felt nauseous and febrile; it is possible that flu. Doctors recommend undoubtedly much rest in bed and a nutritious diet but light together with vaccination against flu, especially if you live in large metropolitan areas such as New York City.

Influenza, commonly known as flu is a respiratory infection upper that causes the disease and in many cases of complications. The influenza virus attacks more often children and the elderly.The flu vaccine is the best way to avoid getting the flu.

Since the introduction of the virus pandemic H1N1 swine flu were administered vaccine had in two partes.Sin embargo, to make it easier, this year's flu vaccine will have included H1N1 virus protection. This year's flu vaccine will be protected against two other virus influenza that had to be given separate injection.

Influenza vaccine is available between September and November of each year and must be taken each year.The reason to get the flu each year is because the virus mutates to a very fast pace and at the end of a season given effect decreases.

Know what strains of influenza virus will be more prevalent in a particular year, health officials gather worldwide, and vaccines are manufactured on the basis of its conclusions.The flu vaccine is most effective during the first six months.

During flu season it is a good idea to stay away from people who are hacking and sneezing, as they may well be down with the flu or tenerlo.No knows how long the flu virus can survive outside of the host body, but something has been determined that it could be as much as 48 horas.Por therefore, is a good idea to stay away from food that is open (buffet), and to keep the hands thoroughly washed, especially if you have been in public places where you could play issues by many people and definitely get the flu.

Richard Park, MD is one of the doctors emergency personnel in clinical http://www.citymd.net/.La Board certification is located in St. 86 e. 336, between the first and Second Avenue, in the heart of the high Manhattan.Son open 365 days a year and can be contacted at 212-772-documents (3627) .to stop and get your flu today so you don't have to suffer this season!

Article source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Richard_Park

The reason for the choice of stapled hemorrhoidectomy

Treatment of hemorrhoids are determined by the severity of the hemorrhoids. There are two types of hemorrhoids precedure, non-surgical and surgical treatments. Non-surgical treatments can be used for the initial phase of hemorrhoids but if get worse, then you need a surgical treatments.

One of the latest surgical tehnique for treatment of hemorrhoids is a hemorrhoidectomy stapled, also known as a procedure of prolapse and hemorrhoids (PTT) or Longo Staples circumferential mucosectomy. It has become the treatment of choice and has been widely used for the third and fourth degree hemorrhoids (i.e. haemorrhoids which protrude spontaneously or with a movement of the intestines and can reduce manually).A hemorrhoidectomy grapada will reduce prolapse of tissue by extracting a gang of hemorrhoids hemorrhoids prolapse rectal mucosa/internal using stapling circular.Este procedure device based return hemorrhoids tissue to correct anatomical position inside the anal canal.

Only stapled hemorrhoidectomy procedure takes about 30 minutes faster than the conventional procedure, is less painfull than other surgical procedure.It is also needs a time shorter to heal after surgery, instead of techniques convencionales.Desde in 2000 were published several studies confirming that PTT is associated with a low rate of complications such as sepsis. However have been rare cases of sepsis after PTT reported that some doctors recommend prophylactic antibiotics before the procedure.

Maybe demanded of staple foods, what with Staples?Why should I I again doctor a few weeks to delete it? don't worry staple foods are only required until the scar tissue.Then fall and stool go unnoticed for several weeks.Grapada hemorrhoidectomy is primarily designed to address internal hemorrhoids but if external hemorrhoids are present, may be reduced as well.

However, despite all the benefits of stapled hemorrhoidectomy there are disadvantage to this method, patients often feel a fullness or pressure inside the rectum as if need to defecate, but this usually resolves within several also there are risks by undergoing this procedure include bleeding, infection, anal fissures, anal or rectal wall due to scarring, the persistence of internal or external hemorrhoids and, rarely, trauma wall rectal.Y narrowing a stapled hemorrhoidectomy cannot be done if you have anal stenosis because you cannot insert the grapadora.Tambien is avoided if there is an Anorectal abscess, complex fistula in the anus and perianal Crohn's disease.

Give a try to herbal medicines and "Best in yourself" feel

Tired of allopathic treatments and looking for another way? Then, herbal medicines could be the choice of the apt. Medicinal herbs were used in times of old by our ancestors to cure diseases. After the invention of allopathic treatments, rare when people returned to herbal remedies. But now for a variety of reasons, people once more have begun hitting herbal solutions to help its symptoms.

Herbs with medicinal properties are used to prepare these herbal medicines. You can also refer to traditional medicine, alternative medicine, phytotherapy, Herbalism, medicinal plant and botanical medicine. These medications are used to prevent and treat imbalances in the body that can cause or keep the disease. The basic system includes Chinese Herbalism, Ayurvedic Herbalism and Western herbalism. Medicinal herbs can be in many forms, such as the tincture, tablets, ointments, essential oils, oils for infusion or fixed or dried herb teas. Herbs that consists of many valuable components can be used to help people with many diseases, no effects if administered by a professionally trained herbalist. Ginseng, alga bladder, Borage, skullcap, cinnamon, turmeric, white willow, garlic, ginger, Matricaria, flaxseed, Hawthorn and Chamomile are some of the herbs used, with high medicinal values. From the common cold to heart disease, there are medications available in the form of herbs that can help ease symptoms and support the body to fight against the causes that contribute.Herbal treatments can be a good solution for food intolerances, sensitivities and hypersensitive States contributing to the formation of alergia.Ademas are also used to treat disorders of sleep, weight loss, digestive problems, respiratory problems and skin problems.

Herbal medicines are often working with physiological process of our body. These medications are prepared from different parts of herbs. It can be from their stalks, leaves, seeds, barking or roots. You can now think that you would deal with these herbal medicines.Neither more nor less of a medical herbalist could help you with herbs medicinales.Un medical herbalist is someone qualified and able in the therapeutic use of medicinal plants. Trained experts in medicine are herbal that includes identification of the herb, collection, preparation, dispensing and formulations combining herbal to take into account your individual medical history and current pharmaceutical recipes too.

Good herbalists often adopt a holistic approach to treat their patients. To speak of such good herbalists, there is a person to be mentioned in particular.It is none other than Lynda Jones, who has tried a lot of people in different age groups.She holds a degree of first-class medicine herbal and has extensive experience as a health care professional.Several people treated by she gratefully tell, had worked in the treatment of the person as a whole, rather than its enfermedad.Lynda uses organic plant medicines and treated people with a wide trastornos.Ella range has an extensive practice with problems in the skin, menstrual disorders, allergic (hypersensitive States), asthma, cystitis, menopause, depression, high blood pressure, warts, problems of weight and mas.Por therefore, persons who reside in Kent needn't concern by their illnesses that Lynda running clinics in Folkestone and the village of Madrid Hollingbourne.

Orthopedic procedures platelet Rich plasma

Recent advances in orthopedics have focused on minimally invasive techniques, such as arthroscopy, an approach that repairs the musculoskeletal problems without impact on the surrounding tissues of traditional surgical procedures. Other innovations in orthopaedics are found in the field of bio-treatment, where the natural processes of the body and properties are used in the treatment of joints. Such bio-treatment is the use of plasma rich platelets (PRP) in orthopaedic treatments and procedures.

What is PRP?

Using plasma (PRP) platelet rich involves taking the patient's blood and platelets found concentration using a centrifugadora.Las blood platelets are cells of the blood which act as natural concentration of platelets, cuerpo.La healing mechanism then is injected directly into the injured area to help accelerate the process of healing and recovery.

PRP therapy benefits

The use of PRP found in processing orthopedic have several benefits for the PRP paciente.Terapia is a noninvasive procedure, as the plasma is injected using a common syringe. When used in conjunction with a surgical procedure, PRP therapy has shown to reduce recovery time.PRP therapy using the patient's blood, the risk of an allergic reaction or transmissible infection is minimal.

Surgical and nonsurgical use of PRP

Initially developed in the 1970s, technological advances have allowed the use of PRP to expand from the hospital in doctor's offices.PRP therapy used to treat common injuries related to sport, as the Achilles tendinitis tennis elbow and tendinitis rotuliana.Las PRP injections have also been used in the treatment of osteoarthritis principles and for the relief of pain in the joints.
PRP therapy in sports medicine

Many common sports injuries involve joints as ligament ligament tears crossed above (ACLs) are the rodilla.A difference of muscles, ligaments do not enjoy adequate enough to heal after an injury blood flow traumatica.La PRP to repair a ligament procedure addendum introduces an influx of curative properties found in blood for lesionada.En area combined with modern surgical techniques minimally invasive, PRP use has shown to reduce the amount of time a ligament tears injury recovery and allows athletes both professional and amateur, to recover in the field faster.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Have a Back Pain Cure A discectomy

The average person will suffer some kind of back pain. It is caused by daily ECA of everyday life. Elevation, folded and other activities are known to put much pressure on the muscles of the back. This can lead to serious problems.

Most individuals can manage their pain without medical care. Depend on over-the-counter medications.However, there are some times when definitively seek Council physician. only a doctor can tell you what is best for the well-being of each patient.

On examination, the doctor can provide some instructions to try and relieve the dolor.Estos may include restrictions on certain activities. It is more likely to note bending, lifting and make walking more.

They may also try putting in relaxing muscle. This will help you sleep at night and take away some of the tension in the muscles. If this does not help the muscles, other measures may be adopted.

Some options may require you to stay in the hospital overnight. Had usually involved some kind of operation. Many of these surgeries are routine;However, still are considered important in nature.

A discectomia surgery is the most common back recently.This operation takes charge of the case number one back issues: herniated discos.La operation requires 1 to 2 1/2 hours of operating time. The patient is also expected to spend the night.

The day after surgery, a physical therapist specialist enters the control in the patient room. Want to make sure that can stand up and walk shortly after surgery. If this is not possible, however, the patient will be asked to stay for a little longer, until you perform this simple task.

3-4 weeks is the usual recovery after this procedure. It is suggested that the patient not to bend or lift anything from ? 10 or more heavy during this time. Allowing you to do anything that impedes the recovery process.

Usually it is a good idea that someone at home when the patient is recovering.This will limit the amount of bending are tempted to do and allow them to have a partner.Often have this partnership can speed recovery and make it seem shorter.

Two weeks after the initial procedure, the patient must be drive.Due medication that will be able, should be made with caution.

There is no pain real of surgery, except for the area operated in itself.So there are different medical medicamentos.Muchos used steroids, a softening of muscle and antibiotics.Analgesics depends on your tolerance.

These medications mixed sometime can cause serious side effects.The main side effect of these drugs is somnolencia.La combination of all these together drugs also can cause depression. If continues, may require attention of a medico.Necesitara adjust their medications.

Assuming that you have done everything your doctor has advised, it may be free week imperative dolor.Es beams post-operation 4 all right to make sure that you're pain free at the end of todo.Tambien recommended exercise, to keep the rest of his strong body.

Disectomies tend to be a last recurso.Mayoria doctors does not work unless they know that it is totally necesario.Debido the nature of the operation, who want to try first everything what posible.Dolor individuals with chronic back a should be advised that there might be a grave.Antes caught it, problem less likely you are to have to go into surgery.

FDA prohibits the drug after 53 years of

The Food and Drug Administration has directed that propoxyphene, a medication for pain, be withdrawn from the market and is no longer sold in this country. The FDA cited studies showing propoxyphene increases the risk of serious heart problems. An opiate with addictive potential, prescribed very widely. In 2009, recipes 17.5 million were written Propoxyphene, sold under its brand name and generic versions for.

Propoxyphene has been in the spotlight of drug regulators for years, both by concerns about their safety and effectiveness. The difference between a safe dose and a fatal overdose is small. British regulators prohibiting its sale in 2005, citing reports of a number unexpectedly high deaths associated with its use. The deaths occurred in Florida, where medical examiners do very thorough toxicological studies.Another study to examine deaths related to drug in eight States, including Florida, found that more deaths associated with propoxyphene than with other, more powerful analgesicos.En 2009 EU banned its sale and use in the EU countries.

Another study showed dangerous electric heart activity changes between individuals without heart disease who took propoxyphene. This, as well as other studies were enough to convince the FDA this year that the risks of maintaining this drug on the market outweighed the potential benefits.

Value of propoxyphene as a pain management drugs has been questioned by some time.Compared the effectiveness of acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol acetaminophen and Propoxyphene, no difference in pain relief can see the addition of propoxyphene.

The FDA approved propoxyphene in 1957, and the drug had won billions of dollars in profits to its manufacturer original.La company sold their rights to the name in 2005 and is no longer involved in the manufacture or venta.La majority of propoxyphene is sold as a generic.Public citizen, a group of consumers, for a long time been concerned for the safety of propoxyphene and on its health research group has pressured quitarlo.El FDA Dr. Sidney Wolfe Health Research Group commended the decision to withdraw the drug and also expressed its concern that the FDA has left this and other dangerous drugs remain on the market too long.

People who use propoxyphene should talk with your doctor authorized on safe and effective alternative drugs for the treatment of pain.

Gayle Blatt is a lawyer who believes that equal protection under the law means aggressive representation for persons against irresponsible actions farmaceutica.En industry pharmaceutical litigation his years represent victims advocate pharmaceutical Gayle Blatt chooses to provide counsel to individuals rather than shares of class, personally allowing you to focus on the unique needs of each individual client.

Article source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gayle_Blatt

Gayle Blatt - EzineArticles Expert Author

How to help comments pharmacy online to avoid Fake medicines

Erectile dysfunction is a serious disease that affects a number of adult men around the world. This condition causes much personal and psychological damage a man, because it not only affects your confidence, but also their private relationships. Fortunately, there are many ways to treat erectile dysfunction. A number of different pills has affected the market, all created to help men dealing with erectile dysfunction experience normal life.

There is a wide variety of different erectile dysfunction pills today, all promising to effectively help men with their penis problems. The two most popular at the moment ED pills are Viagra and Cialis.To save money, people can buy generic variations of these drugs generic pharmacies were found in consumer internet.Los only line must be cautious on where they buy their pills, as generic drugs are one of the most imitated products now.

Most people prefer to buy Cialis and Viagra erectile dysfunction pills directly from online generic pharmacies and drug stores. However, a number of websites that sell medicines online is guilty of the sale of fake pills or imitation.The use of fake medicine can be very dangerous and can lead to more medical problems, permanent damage or even muerte.Esto is because drug imitation are manufactured without regard for the industry for safety and quality standards. Such dangers have led to the need for a form that consumers online regular search online drugstores and pharmacies generic that you can rely on quality and service.

Visit an online pharmacy review site is probably the best way to find reliable sources of Viagra, Cialis, and many other types of dysfunction pharmacy review sites through erectil.A pills, people can obtain more information about certain shops online drug and the type of service they provide. Review of online pharmacy sites agree web sites that sell medicines and provide information on certain medical products and where to find better. They are a great help to a lot of people who regularly buy drugs from online sources.

Pharmacy reviews provide a wealth of information for all consumers online.These websites are an important contribution to the protection and security of countless people throughout the world information made available on their web sites include information about major pharmacies online active online.Typically, pharmacy review web sites also provide the list of items to shopping online drugs and their prices, blogs and articles with recent news about the field of medicine and alerts about fraudulent web sites that try to scam innocent online shoppers money.

You can also find pharmacy review websites that provide information about pharmacies online who specialize in particular types of medication. people looking for good sources of erectile dysfunction pills may withdraw those sites to find sources that can rely on offer this type of medication.

Review of online pharmacy web sites are no doubt helpful to a lot of gente.La security and the protection provided to a large number of consumers online really demonstrate how valuable are people who are afflicted with dysfunction genuine generics erectil.Obtener is important and could explain the difference between recovery and disease.

Healthcare: Cholesteatoma, Ethanol Thyroid, Minimally Invasive Surgery Parathyroid

Cholesteatoma develops consistent middle ear infection. Usually the thin membrane in the middle ear vibrates when you enter sounds. When the middle ear is infected, filled with a kind of liquid filled with bacteria and viruses. As a result, they may lose hearing capacity.

However with an ear infection half full with liquid containing bacteria or viruses, so the audience can be lost. In due course of time, from the eardrum and dead channel skin batteries up to this and when is full, Pocket expands steadily due to the pressure continue collecction leather interior. This is known as cholesteatoma.If the middle ear is prone to repeated infections, it can lead to cholesteatoma. chronic middle ear infection and cholesteatoma make deaf people.

Cholesteatoma if not treated on time, can cause weakness and lead to paralysis of the facial muscles. Otolaryngologists treated cholesteatoma in the initial stages. The disease will be treated by medication. In later stages, cholesteatoma removal is needed by surgery.Cholesteatomas has the possibility of recurrence, and consideration is therefore preferable to newspaper Cholesteatoma is of two types, congenital and acquired. Congenital lesions are not very common.

Thyroid is a disorder of Endocrinology, soft or crucial the condition that the structure or function of the thyroid gland is affected.Thyroid is treated by providing the thyroid in cases of hipotiroidismo.En therapy case of hyperthyroid and parathyroid, therapy is known as the thyroid of ethanol, a procedure that is followed by percutaneous ethanol (PEI) injection therapy in the thyroid and parathyroid disease treatment. Ethanol has esclerosante properties for use in the management of benign and spiteful injuries interventionist. PEI is recommended as an alternative therapy for surgery, making it simple and minimize complications that may arise from the surgery.

The thyroid gland is removed by surgery called thyroidectomy. The main disadvantage of this is restricted movement.Recently, surgery minimally invasive parathyroid has come to the luz.Aunque this procedure still is under development, progress towards the younger or surgery procedures minimally invasive parathyroid lead the way for the implementation and development of computer aided systems.This surgerical procedure yields better cosmetic and minimal postoperative painful experience.This could also alleviate the infection rate while improving recovery faster, as surgery is only through the small incision.Cardiac surgery already, robot-assisted surgery is in use.

Surgery minimally invasive parathyroid or diagnosis is carried out through a laparoscopio.La robotic assisted surgery minimally invasive parathyroid has made otorrinolaringologia.Thyroidectomies instead could carried out preferably by method of surgery minimally invasiva.Nuevas investigations are required to be proceeded to take advantage of minimally invasive parathyroid surgery in otorrinolaringologia.En minimally invasive parathyroid surgery, conversion is not necesario.Este surgical procedure takes minimal time, prevents death, other serious complications with postoperative follow-up minimum above.

Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA)

ANDA is a duplicate generic approved product agreement for non-disclosure. Abbreviated New Drug Application contains data which, when sent to the FDA for the Research Centre and the evaluation of medicinal products, Office of generic drugs, provides for review and final approval of a generic medicinal product:

Safety and efficacy of agreement ?Gets studies of non-disclosure
?Must have identical active ingredient, route of administration, strength, dosage form use tagging and provided
?Must demonstrate bioequivalence

ANDA types:

For (I) to present to the launch of the drug to generic is made when the innovator has not done the required information in the Orange Book.
II: A presentation II is performed when the medicinal product is already out of patent.
III: A presentation III is performed when the applicant has no plans to sell the generic drug until the original medicinal product is off patent.
For IV: An IV to present for the launch of the generic medicinal product is performed when the applicant believes that your product or use of your product does not infringe on patents for the innovative or where the applicant considers that these patents are not valid or executable.


IV to:
1. The applicant files the USFDA application for the certification of subparagraph IV of ANDA.
2. Owner of the patent must notify application by the applicant within a period of 20 days.
3. Litigation is initiated in court, if the patent holder files suit against applicant ANDA within 45 days of receipt of the notification in the Court.
4. When the Court Gets the infringement suit gives 30 months for the FDA to approve the application, otherwise the FDA can approve or disapprove the application;No stay would be given to the FDA.
5. Court decision if it is with regard to candidates, gets the 180-day exclusivity market (in this period of exclusivity, nobody except the applicant can market the product for 180 days) if the decision goes against the plaintiff, then the available option will be to-II/III
6 If 30 months stay directed by the Court by the FDA is not allowed since the adoption of the 30 meses.O request until the Court holds that the patent is not valid or wouldn't infringida.Por elsewhere if the Court decision in favour of the proprietor of the patent, FDA will not approve ANDA.
7. Once you have passed 30 months, FDA will approve the request, although litigation is in progress, and after both parties can bring to market their product until that decision shall be given by the Tribunal within patent expiration.

FDA review procedure:
1. As part of the review process FDA sends the request of the applicant team DMOs/CDER review for approval.
2. If the request is not complete or deficiencies are identified, then "refuse to file Charter" is issued by the DMO CDER to the applicant.
3. For the application found complete without gaps, then accepted & application then sends to the computer for internal review to the identification of BIO-equivalence, chemistry and microbiology, plant inspection & labelling review problems.
4. If anyone expected outcomes are in the application of the Charter of BIO-equivalence deficiency & expects satisfactory results, are accordingly issued to the applicant.
5. Once ANDA submission is complete and acceptable without any other questions, the applicant finally receives FDA approval letter.

A short article on the development of abbreviated new drug and its review process presented by an employee of MakroCare.MakroCare can operate your business as an agent authorized in the United States all necessary communication with the FDA.Los MakroCare consulting services include the submission and preparation (DMF), drug Master file drugs (IND) reinvestigation and New Drug Application (NDA) etc.

Article source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Raga_Lahari

Friday, November 26, 2010

Quickly Management Tips

Twenty-five percent of all admissions by people older than 65 years annual nursing home and hospital are attributed to a failure of the medication as directed prescription. Not taking prescription medications is the main factor behind hospital readmissions. With almost half of the senior population assume two drugs on a daily basis, it is important to properly manage its regime of medicine.

Here are some tips for administration of medicinal products:

? information about your medicine: be sure to discuss new medications and drugs history with their doctor. take your time to read the label of the bottle of medication.If you experience side effects or reactions with their medication, do not hesitate to contact your doctor or pharmacist.
? Do a list: keep a written record that can be used as list referencia.La must include all prescription drugs and medications without prescription that you take, along with a what time to take it and instructions on how to take it.
? Trust a pharmacy for your medication needs: goes to the same pharmacist to fill their prescriptions is a good way to create their own medication. development of a relationship with your local pharmacist staff management resources allows you to better assist in the identification of potential drug interaction problems.
? storage security: keep your medications in the same place if possible and out of the reach of dogs and children. some medications to be stored in dry, while others must be refrigerated.Check with your pharmacist about this.
? Get organized: use an organizer of bunker diaria.estos boxes have a compartment for every day of the semana.Algunos even have additional sections for different times of the day.

Finally, if in doubt, don't forget preguntar.Estas are important medication questions ask your doctor:

? Does drugs have a generic equivalent?
? How will benefit by taking this medicine?
? What dose should I take?
? matter it if I take my recipe on a full stomach?
Am I taking this drug in the short or long term ??
? got any recommendations if you accidentally miss a dose?
? There are food, drinks, activities or other medications that may interfere with the effectiveness of drugs?
? Where should I store the medicine?
? I am capable of automatic refills configuration for this medicine with my pharmacist?

Bacterial Infections Treatment

Norfloxacin is a prescription drug to treat different bacterial infections. Marketed under the brand name Noroxin, antibiotic works by banning bacterial growth.

Part of the drug, norfloxacin, popularly known under his name sales by minor Noroxin quinolone class is used to treat different bacterial infections.Works with antibiotics by prohibiting the growth of bacteria, therefore is effective for the treatment of bacterial infections and not viral infections such as the flu and common cold. Please note that any antibiotic overuse diminishes its effectiveness.


This antibiotic better is taken by mouth, usually twice a day, an hour before meal or 2 hours after the meal.It is recommended that you take this medicine with a glass of water.Taking this medication, be sure to drink much liquid unless prohibited by their medico.Si have taken products containing aluminum, magnesium or calcium, allow 2 hours before taking the antibiotic. or you can opt to take the drug 2 hours before taking products that contain these minerals.This is because these products bind with the antibiotic is preventing its full absorption.


Norfloxacin belongs to the class of quinolone drogas.Antes taking this medicine, you should inform your doctor if you are allergic to antibiotics such as ciprofloxacin, gemifloxacin, gatifloxacin, lomefloxacin, ofloxacin and medical conditions that your doctor needs to know before moxifloxacina.Los quinolone expected this drug are:

? brain disorders

Seizures ?

Tumor ?

? Muscle disease or weakness

? heart problems

? Arteriosclerosis

? slow heart rate

Cardiomyopathy ?

? kidney disease

? O, mineral imbalance

Norfloxacin can make you feel drowsy or dizzy to avoid taking this medicine if you are driving or operar.Esta machinery drugs you will also more sensitive to the Sun so be sure to wear protection or sunscreen when outdoors.

Side effects:

Norfloxacin has been shown to have effects secundarios.Algunos them are:

? headache

? Nausea

Weakness of the ?

? stomach discomfort

? Diarrhea

? dizziness

Drowsiness ?

Tremor ?

Sun sensitivity ?

? State sudden mood or mental changes

? Easy bleeding or bruising

? Numbness in the arms or legs

Tendinitis ?

In addition, seek immediate medical help is of serious allergic reactions to norfloxacin symptoms such as itching, rashes, shortness of breath and severe dizziness.

A moderate amount of water can be drank the people take medicine

Almost all people taking medications for drinking water. However, few people can hold water moderately. Some people even use mineral water and milk to take the medicine. In fact, not all medicines that can be taken with water. Furthermore, the amount of water should be moderate.

Different types of drugs need different amounts of water. For example, when people take drugs such as tablets and capsules, should drink 200 to 300 ml of water. Low solubility drugs need plenty of water, such as sulfonamides.These medications can easily be crystallized within the nephric tubule and destroy the system urinario.Las people should drink a moderate amount of water to increase the urinary output in eliminating toxins from the body.

Some people like to drink hot water when taking medicine. In fact, hot water can seriously affect the effect of medications. Medications such as live vaccine can easily be destroyed with hot water.In addition, vitamins, especially vitamin C, can be destroyed with water caliente.La vitamin C is very unstable. When it's hot, redox reaction can be stimulated to destroy normal functions.

Some people even use mineral water to take the fact medicina.De, mineral water can be drunk not take medications, as mineral substances and metal ions such as calcium and zinc can severely impact the normal effect of medication. For example, antibiotics cannot be taken with water containing calcium and iron. Norfloxacin can not be taken with water containing iron and zinc.

When people take an analgesic, is appropriate for them to drink leche.Otros types of beverages are not beneficial.For example, tea contains a large amount of tannic acid which may interact with protein, metal ions and alkaloid contained in medicines.Fruit juice can disrupt medications that can be used to improve the metabolism of the continuation higado.A functions, the repeal of the medicines may decrease to offend the human body.

In general terms, the hot boiled water and purified water are the best options for people to choose when you are taking the particular medicina.En cases, milk can also be chosen, as milk can form a layer of protective film to protect the gastric tracts and intestinales.Por therefore, people should choose drinks more appropriate take medicines, which can maintain the normal functions of drugs to the extent.

White Alice is the writer independent for e-commerce Web site in the quimica.LookChem.com is only a place for you to find chemicals! our LookChem conditions more suitable for international buyers and leave these potential customers to benefit whole person business.

Article source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alice_White_Green

Nerve cranial VIII - acoustic nerve (Auditorium nerve)

Acoustic nerve motorised two components: cochlear nerve or nerve of hearing and vestibular subserves nerve balance. Let's make a journey and analyze these two systems, as we also find some basic neurologic test on the role of this nerve.

Cochlear system: The cochlear nerve final-organos are the organ of Corti, inside of the cochlea of the inner ear hair cells. Core fibres of the cell bodies as the cochlear nerve.Crosses the internal auditory meatus, where is inferolateral facial nerve and crosses the subarachnoid space in the cerebellopontine Angel and enters the top t marrow him in dorsal cochleovestibular nuclei and secondary acoustical fibres ventrales.Proyecto trapezoidal body and lateral leminscus to finish primary auditory receptive areas in the transverse temporary Heschel Gyri of auditory radiation.

vestibular system: vestibular consisting in the semicircular canals system has the function of guiding the theme in space (all 3 planes) and also keep the relative position between the head and the cuerpo.Cambios Setup electric shocks in the semicircular canals blisters neuroepithelium and Scarpas ganglion maculae transmit these impulses of the vestibular nuclei and to the parties at the top of the spinal cord. Vestibular nuclei are connected to the cerebellum through the lower spine of the tracts of vestibulospinal centres and the muscles of the eye of the medial longitudinal package motor nuclei cerebellar peduncle.

Disorders of vestibular function lead to dizziness, the inability to maintain posture, nystagmus and systemic, disorders such as nausea, vomiting, visual hallucinations, sense of rotation of the surroundings, sweating, teachycardiac hypotention.En Vertigo, there is a distinct rotational sense t. Objects may seem to revolve around the Vertigo of 9objective patients) or you can experience the sensation of turning that around it (subjective Vertigo).

Audience is evaluated by noting the patient's ability to perceive noise when the examiner rubbed his thumb and index or better still by a clock of the external auditory meatus. Took note of the distance from your ear, and the browser compares the audience with their own patient acuity. Better information can be obtained through the use of a pitch.

Rinne test: here, the patient air conduction compared hueso.La driving fork (512 Hz) is firmly placed against the mastoid and ask the patient to already indicate when the sound is heard.Then placed ahead of the external auditory meatus and noted the time during which listens.Air conduction is typically better than bone-Rinne conductive deafness positivo.En driving (negative Rinner) bone conduction is better than air conduction.Sensorineural deafness, reducing air and bone conduction but maintain the normal relation and the Rinner is positive.On the other hand, the RInner is negative for ear disease.

Weber test: here, the fork is placed on the forehead and the patient you are prompted to choose the ear heard better.Usually heard equally well in both conductive deafness oidos.En, sound is heard better by involved ear, while in sensorineural deafness, best is heard by the ear full.

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Funom Makama - EzineArticles Expert Author

Several investigations and examinations in Neurological Disorders III

Neurological disorders are considered and/or investigated mainly by instrumental methods. Many are: nuclear (NMR) magnetic resonance, potential Evoked and ultrasound.

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)

Also known as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), this technique uses the phenomenon all nuclei that contain water and other elements behave like magnetic dipoles and magnetic fields of possess their own. Each kernel is spinning as one of the main in its magnetic field. Different cores magnetic fields tend to align parallel to the induced magnetic field. At this time a burst of radio frequency is being delivered in the tissue, inclined or to process 90 degrees, 180 degrees, depending on the strength of the radio frequency or even spin nuclei. Of the cessation of the induced magnetic field precessed kernels will resume its original position.In doing so, emit absorbed RF, which can be detected by appropriate sensors arranged around the body under study.Energy delivered in relation to the space is called "spin-lattic time" T1) and in relation to their own twist is called spin-spin (T2) …with time these parameters, equipment rebuilds the organ. the resulting image gives details of the gray and white matter of the brain and spinal cord.

Evoked potentials

Evoked potentials are specific to the cortical, cores or caused by visual, auditory brainstem responses or other sensory stimuli.They have several components, starting with a constant latency of the application of the maximum estimulos.Son cortical areas according to the modality and the estimulo.Ya these electrical potential are very lateralidad low-amplitude (microvolts 0, 5-20), teams are required to amplify them and the distinguish them from electrical background activity of the cerebro.Tres main evoked potential tests currently uso.estos are:

1. the visual change pattern

2. auditory brain stem, and

3. Short latency somatosensory.

Found to be of great value in the diagnosis of various disorders, which can present problems in diagnosis, e.g., Visual evoked potentials are useful in identifying injuries, multiple sclerosis, demyelinating disease to the compression of the visual pathway, Friedreich's ataxia, Huntington Korea, etc..Also helps to distinguish fingido real blindness visual loss.Auditory evoked potentials help in the diagnosis of the acoustic neurinoma, multiple sclerosis and Central Pontine myelinolysis.Somatosensory evoked potentials help in the diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy sensory, tabes, subacute combined degeneration, epilepsy the progressive, etc.

Isotopic studies

Workflow and imaging studies are available for the diagnosis of brain tumours, abscesses cerebrales.Los used radionucleid and subdural hematomas, cerebrovascular diseases is technitium-99 m is located.

Finally the ultrasound is one of the very important instrumental methods of research in neurology and serves to delineate the midline structures and detect the change of the tomographic cerebro.Fotos can be produced, in the newly-born who fontanelles are open.

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Article source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Funom_Makama

Funom Makama - EzineArticles Expert Author

How stress can damage your body?

All went there, him, poorly paid, not enough sleep and eat poorly. Living in a constant state of fatigue, anger, and depression, not is has been able to rest properly and always on the go. Whether due to pressure from his family, work, or own personal expectations, we can live lives with stress that turns every day into a misery. Suddenly we are developing the burning heart, putting on weight, our skin breaks out in a rash, increased blood pressure and energy levels plummeting. What's going on? Why react our bodies this way to emotional stress? In this article we are going to take a look at some of the biology behind our reactions to stress.

When its being stressed, when you are unhappy or scared or angry, your body releases a hormone called cortisone. In the short term, this is something great for you; allows your body to access more blood sugar and survival in difficult situations. But that is not intended to be a solution in the long term;Cortisone is intended to give a brief burst of energy in order to help you overcome a problem in the short term. what happens if you still being exacerbated for weeks or even months or years?

Firstly, cortisone levels remain at high levels and began to suppress the immune system.Attacks the lining of your stomach and makes your body less sensitive to the insulina.soltar your skills of healing, drops its capacity to rest, and your body begins to older prematurely.With a weakened immune system becomes more susceptible to flu and cold, with his stomach under attack develop indigestion and heart and with their responsiveness to impaired insulin burning loses its ability to regulate blood sugar and begin a slow spiral towards diabetes and obesity.

How to fight these terrible symptoms? first is to recognize accented lifestyle has a direct impact on health and bienestar.Una time which you agree is not just a question of that would be toughing or being macho, but rather a question of taking care of your body, you have consistently begin to eliminate the source of stress by taking control of your life and to assert yourself.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

4 Tips to help prevent the flu

With winter quick barreling down on us, flu season is about to begin. If it were caught walking outside in the cold or not is has able to dry your hair correctly, if it is because they have a weak immune system or are only enough luck get hit by a strain particularly hard influenza, chances are that you will have to fight an infection before the season. How can you better avoid getting the flu? How can fight infection and prevent gaining ground? There are four proven methods to protect the virus before you are forced to call in sick.

The first and easiest to prevent flu method is get enough sleep. It sounds too simple? Let's take a look at science. A recent study showed that people with seven or fewer hours of sleep were three times more likely to contract flu that people with eight hours or more sleep.This means that they are tired, are wearied, yourself dragging all day about the dream too little makes you much more likely to contract the gripe.Usted has heard a thousand times before, but here is yet another reason to sleep more.

The second best way to avoid the flu is to eat bien.Un 2008 recent study found that you mice fed on were much more likely is that not only develop complications of influenza flu but manifest when compared with his well-nourished friends. This means that yourself by putting on a strict diet during the flu season is a recipe for disaster, as stress your system by weakening it, failing to give resources and strength you need to continue to be strong.

Do you know that the virus love dry and cold atmospheres?It is why buy a humidifier can help make their inhospitable home to viruses.If maintains the air in your home warm and humid not you only will find living in greater comfort, but it prevents viruses from gaining ground and multiplying as it could in a friendly environment from viruses more.

Finally, get some sol.La vitamin D, vitamin that sunlight exposure helps promote, is integrally linked to regulate the system inmunitario.Si is trapped inside too, and you cannot quit the sunlight, which might be in need of a supplement of vitamin D bueno.Un recent study found that people who have low levels of vitamin d were more prone to the capture of colds and flu, and that there is an excellent reason to leave sun!

Should achieves the flu shot?

The flu again and Big Pharma companies season has a lot of influenza vaccines surplus last season because guess what consumers got wise and ignores him in record numbers. But she is baaaack....

Yes, the same people that offer drug worse than cure based on the list of the "side effects" that have to tell you now. (Earth Pharma, we know that the side effects are only "effects we wish were not there but we have to say about them, so do not sue us.") those same people are proclaiming a new and improved version of decision-making.It is assumed that you protect you from 3 strains ahora.Tres, three, three strains in one, I can now hear the announcement.

But luckily in the United States we get the benefit of seeing what is happening in these vaccines supposedly seguras.Y guess what. Australia Health Department stopped the vaccine programme since more children were getting sick and horrible effects than the number of children actually prevent flu as a result of the decision.

There are several chemicals in the shots that are bad for the neurons in the brain and especially for the brains in child development. Furthermore, why would be good to inject any chemical product in the bloodstream? He is not.

There is no much easier to avoid all modos.Tomar flu more vitamin C which you think that you need.And take D3 or get 15 minutes of Sun per day.Only two things will be much more good than any influenza vaccine.And you are not hurting or injection.

Heather Burns is a certified herbalist writes about natural to maintain healthy ways and how nutrition and vitamins play a huge role in la.Ella has been helping people with their health questions during the past 20 years. your articles on natural vitamins and herbs have appeared in numerous publicaciones.Para read more about the immune system and stay healthy, visit their site: http://www.squidoo.com/schizandra-herb and http://www.squidoo.com/health-news-alerts.Heather expected educatate others on the problems facing our citizens from the onslaught on our civil rights by Big Pharma.

Article source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Heather_Burns

Heather Burns - EzineArticles Expert Author

Cranial nerves, I - olfactory nerve and disorders

Olfactory nerves that subserve the sense of smell have their source cells in the mucous membrane of the top and back part of the nasal cavity. Bipolar sensory cells, the distal portions of which consists in ciliates processes are of penetrating the mucous membrane in the upper part of the nasal cavity. The core processes of these nerves, approximately twenty each side, passing through ethmoid cells, which form the brush as olfactory glomeruli terminals dendrites cribiform plate. Axons mitral cells enter the olfactory Groove frontal bones to the brain. Subsequently, the olfactory tract divided into olfactory medial and lateral grooves. The medial straie becomes the opposite of the previous commisure. Lateral stretch fibers emerge from distribution to previous perforated substance and end up in the complex prepiriform and medial and cortical nuclei of the amygdaloid area. The latter represents the main olfactory cortex.

Testing: before assessing olfactory sensations, one must determine that the nasal passages are not blocked. Local allergic rhinitis, the plyps and sinusitis that undermine smell injuries must be excluded. The test substance should be non-irritating and volatile. Fresh ground coffee, asafoetida, eucalyptus oul power oil or lemon are some of the common test substances used. Substances such as chloroform that can stimulate the gustative final-organos or peripheral nerves trigeminal neuralgia in nasal instead of stimulating olfactory nerves, mucosal endings must be avoided. Each ditch should be evaluated separately with another grave be masked.The patient must be ordered to inhaled and identify the substance of ensayo.La odor perception is more important than the identification.

Smell disorders

1 Quantitative: Loss (anosmia) reduction (hyposmia) or greater acuity (which).

2 Qualitative: Distortion of smell (dysosmia or parosmia)

3 Delusions and hallucinations of smell.

Anosmia occurs only if the disease is bilateral.La head injuries, olfactory groove meningiomas and aneurysms of previous previous or brain communicates artery are some of the causes of the unilateral anosmia.Hyperosmia tends to be a feature of neurotic patients.Dysosmia or parosmia can occur with local abnormalities in the nose.Olfactory hallucinations and delusions usually suggest psychiatric disorders.However, it can be associated with uncinadas where olfactory experience is brief and accompanied by an alteration of consciousness and other phenomena epileptic seizures.

The olfactory nerve is one of the twelve cranial nerves in the human body and is very important if your function and disorders are known.

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Article source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Funom_Makama

Funom Makama - EzineArticles Expert Author

Medicine: A science and art

Medicine is to treat the healing human ailments. It is both a science as well as art and includes a series of health care practices that have evolved over the years in order to provide the best treatment, as well as to prevent various illnesses. At the same time, involved the use of practices which were mainly known in the countries of the East of the world, but later became a science, practiced differently, especially in the Western world.

Capitalization of pharmacy is all about mixing drug by someone known as a pharmacist capitalization that makes the mixture in particular often pacientes.A needs, this step is taken in order to reshape its own medicines such as to cast from solid to liquid and also delete any ingredient in medications that can cause an allergic reaction in the patient.

BHRT or Bioidentical Hormone replacement therapy is a form of therapy which hormones are used and who have the same endogenous hormones. It is also a term that refers to the capitalization of the Pharmacy and blood and saliva tests as well as means to reach a certain level of hormones (as sets testing of blood and saliva) in the human body.

The history of medicine back to prehistoric times when Herbalism was widely practiced and parts of animals and the use of minerals also formed part of these treatment options.In some cases, many of the materials used to treat diseases were also part of the rituals as practiced by priests and shamans and medicine men.

First registered instances of use of medicinal products show that was in the old Egypt, and that such practices were first used in Babylon and the medicinal classic India.Chino used as too ancient Greek medicine and Roman medicinal practices also go a long way in time.Imhotep about third millennium BCE believes that it is the first physician.

Sri Lanka is believed to be the first country that have had a dedicated hospital where patients were the India tratados.En, the first person to perform the surgery was known as Sushruta who carried out the earliest form of plastic surgery.

Hippocrates is considered the father of medicine was responsible for laying the foundations of a more rational approach to medicamento.El Hippocratic oath of doctors still used today in day and was Hippocrates that classified according to levels of severity, including acute, chronic, endemic diseases, and epidemias.Tambien first coining terms as relapse and exacerbation and paroxysm crisis as well as convalescence and peak.

Galen, a Greek physician believes that it is one of the best surgeons of the ancient world and was responsible for carrying out some truly impressive operations such as surgery in the eyes and brain.

Today, the practice of medicine truly revolutionised and this is a cause of science information being practiced on a scale more global.Hoy day, medicine mostly takes place in the health care system and is much more complex than the basic forms practiced when it all began.

Research in neurological diseases - lumbar puncture (LP)

Lumbar puncture can be safely in the absence of high intracranial tension. The needle is inserted between the third and fourth lumbar vertebrae. Spinal fluic (CSF) is collected in three bottles for: cytology, biochemical examination and Microbiological studies. Manometry during the LP is performed to measure the tension of the CSF. Queckenstedt test is performed to detect the block in the spinal subarachnoid space. Compression of the jugular wein leads to CSF lumbar rapidly rising tension and publication of the results of the vein in his rapidly falling. This is abolished in spinal block.

Normal CSF is colorless, clear and watery. Xanthochromia (yellow) occurs in bleeding subarachnoid and Froin syndrome. Results of the turbidity of increase in cells. The number of cells below 5/cmm and all of them are typically lymphocytes. Increase of cells called pleocytosis. Lymphocytic pleocytosis occurs in viral, tubercular and syphilitic meningitis. Neutrophil pleocytosis occurs in Pyogenic meninigits, e.g. meningococcus, pneumococci.Mixed pleocytosis (lymphocytes and neutrphils) occurs in leptospirosis, tuberculosis or subarachnoid siguiente.En neuroleukemia immature white cells can be seen in the CSF.

Biochemical composition of normal liquid Cerebrospical include:

1. Proteins: 30 - 40 mg/dL (much less than the level of serum)
2 Sugar: 60-80 mg/dL (50% of the level of serum)
3 Chlorides: 720 mg/dL (equal to the level of serum).
Cytology, biochemical characteristics and serology for altering the enfermedades.Las alterations in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) diseases are as follows:
1. Normal condition: Tension (normal); color (clara); cells (0-5 lym/cm); protein (30 - 40 mg/dL); sugar (80 mg/dL).
2. Bacterial meningitis: Tension (raised); (Unfiltered) color; cells (up to 2000 neutrophils); proteins (augmented considerably;) sugar (very low).
3. Tuberculous meningitis: Tension (raised); color (cloudy); Cells (up to 300-500 cells lymp); Protein (200 - 300 mg/dL);sugar (very low).
4. Viral meningitis: Tension (raised);Color (of course); Cells (lymph cells 10-100); protein (50 - 100 mg/dL); (normal) sugar.
5. Meningitis: Tension (raised); color (clara); Cells (up to 20-500 lymph cells); Protein (200 mg/dL) (normal) sugar.
6. General paralysis of the mentally ill: Cells (up to 100 cells);Protein (40 - 100 mg/dL);(normal) sugar.
7 Tabes dorsalis: color (of course);Cells (up to 100); protein (30 - 60 mg/dL);(Normal) sugar.

Community support framework should be examined after of Gram staining for agencies.In meningitis, this is an excellent method for the diagnosis early bacteriological. the specimen for microbiological examinations must be cultivation without delay to obtain positive cultures.Tuberculous meningitis, a clot fine (cob web) form when Cefalorraquideo liquid is left at room temperature for 12 to 24 hours.This is coagulated fibrin and can display acids fast agencies on the stain.The rise of protein in the cerebrospinal fluid can be selective and this can be used for diagnosis.Selective increase in the fraction globulin can be identified by appropriate tests.Previously the colloidal gold test (test0 its used to do for this purpose A more modern method and need is make immunoelectrophoresis. determination of immunoglobulins in cerebrospinal fluid and compare them with blood levels provides information diagnosis. for example, in MS, CSF shows increase in oligoclonal IgG.)

Lumbar puncture complications include sudden brain stem coning, headache, and the introduction of the infection of the meninges, lumbar puncture is very risky in the presence of high tension intracranial. sudden lumbar CSF's Liberation leads to the spinal cord in the foramen magnum, resulting in a fatal respiratory depression and other vital functions, if not released in the tiempo.Por therefore coning, lumbar puncture is contraindicated in such situations, unless a neurological team is ready to mano.En these conditions the CSF can be obtained by puncture ventricular.A times, when unable to perform an LP or erased the lumbar subarachnoid space, CSF can be obtained by cisternal puncture.

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Good luck.

Article source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Funom_Makama

Funom Makama - EzineArticles Expert Author

Internal medicine - when seeing a specialist

Sometimes, when you have problems you need to see a specialist. Often times your regular doctor can help you with most of their illnesses, but each stumps problem them and you might have to go see someone commonly called "Doctor Doctor". You need to see one of these specialists many could hear that you are visiting a doctor of internal medicine.

Internal medicine is a comprehensive medical specialty dealing with diagnosis, treatment and prevention of adult disease spread.Occasionally, you will find some of these specialists have physicians that are available for pediatric patients, but these are harder to find internist adultos.estos specialists can act as a primary care physician, but are not considered to be generalists, because that specialize in adult, medicine while a general practitioner could also see children.

You don't have to have bleeding or harm to see a doctor of internal medicine. Probably, the term refers to the fact that there is a problem of the body, but does not mean that you will always have to go into the knife.If you are seeing a rheumatologist, then you are seeing one of these specialized doctors and guess what it can do not have to be operado.Para other disorders such as Cardiological, neurological and Oncology should perhaps undergo surgery sometime. Because you have an illness or disorder happening within his body did not mean the doctor simply that they opened you.

This specialty covers many more areas that you might not be aware. If you have problems with their hormones will have to go see an endocrinologist.If you have blood matters such as haemophilia, anemia or sickle cell to be returned to an Anatomy. do you have respiratory problems such as asthma, COPD, or chronic bronchitis?If so, then, should go to see a pulmonologist.There are many more types of doctors that are considered to be one of these types of doctors.

You don't have to wait until you have a disease or disorder to see one of these medicos.Tambien works in preventing these problemas.Si your story family contains one or more of these problems such as heart problems, lung problems, or digestive problems, could send their regular doctor to see a specialist to make sure that everything is being done to prevent these problems.Internal Medicine is a broad field that allows you to get specialized attention you need.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Impulsar el sistema inmunológico y prevenir la gripe

It is a sad truth that too many people today are overloaded, sleep needy pale by the lack of sunlight and walking with a weak immune system. Tens of thousands of people live and breath of life Office, work long hours and sleep very little, with the result that are prone to catching diseases and infections, has not failed to fight against even basic dangers due to their weakened immune system. The issue thus becomes: How can stimulate the immune system or otherwise adopt healthy practices that reduce the possibilities for catching influenza? In this article we will discuss four basic methods and tips to help you achieve that.

The first is the most basic and will make you roll your eyes: wash your hands. Seriously. And once again has demonstrated this old chestnut preached incessantly by your parents is worth its weight in gold.Nothing shall prevent flu, capturing more than a good wash the manos.Durante day is touch and pick up and come into contact with countless millions of germs, microbes and viruses, and the best line of Defense is a simple hand soapy wash.

Second, exercise.Studies have shown that physical activity gives your immune system a huge boost in order to help you stay fit and strong and saludable.Un study 2009 proved that you people exercise four times a week for 45 minutes or more took off 25% and 50% less time than those exercising less. Cardio, competitive sports, lifting weights or yoga, exercise can be the basis on which to build a strong and healthy immune system.

The third suggestion may sound caseosa, but there is science behind it. Smile.Reir.Jugar with friends, make love to your lover, do everything to make you feel well.A study recently showed that pleasurable activities are directly related to a strong immune system as happiness helps dispel stress which is one of the largest immunogenic depressors.If you're taking your dog to play or to spend time with their children, any activity that increases your positive energy will help to boost the immune system.

Finally, this may seem obvious, but would be surprised how many people do not take this measure: receive a vaccine antigripal.Casi everywhere available free of charge, these flu vaccines are elected by specialists to help strains current and virulent the defeat of the gripe.Tomando this scene are you giving a huge boost and making the chances of getting on the flu season without calling in sick that much more likely.

Dangers of the use of steroids to treat pertussis

I am grateful for each gift you have given us on this earth, medicine and especially steroids - because they have proven invaluable to save lives and overcome serious ailments. We must nevertheless exercise these good gifts with caution! And we must always weigh the benefits versus the risk - especially when it comes to our children. Here we will focus on the dangers of steroids in the treatment of pertussis.

Steroids are anti-inflammatory, generally as inhalants pharmaceutical to temporarily dilate the gangway. While this can be serious in a critical situation, this approach does not provide a long-term solution to the problem and also has many risks.The risks include: rashes, wheezing, swelling infections, fungal, bruising, eye problems, bone loss, removal of the adrenal system, mental depression, confusion, agitation and difficulties of sleep. These are all very good reasons to avoid as far as possible.

Corticosteroids are produced naturally by the body and are necessary for the good salud.Podemos strengthen our immune systems in ways that energize work for us rather than against us and help us to overcome ailments, such as pertussis. This disease is mainly a disease of the nervous system and should be treated accordingly.

Researchers have found that corticosteroids produced naturally in the body (by your adrenal glands) have the same effect immunosuppressive.With the pharmacological version of steroids, you lose some immune function.But with natural versions, retains neutrophils (a type of white blood cells function) .Regaliz is a herb excellent to give energy to suprarrenales.En glands nutshell, find some simple stimulate forms our immune system can lead us along the way to a life sana.Aprenda more here about whooping cough and the dangers of steroids.

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm - Online Medical Diagnosis

Abdominal aortic aneurysm is described as a weak area in the muscular wall of the abdominal aorta, which causes a balloons of the blood vessel. This ballooned area becomes more prone to rupture grows. This condition can be life threatening and is considered a medical emergency.

In this article shall be share with you the symptoms, causes and treatments for aortic aneurysm abdominal., will then show you how the condition is diagnosed.

Abdominal aortic aneurysm

Symptoms - this condition can cause low back pain. This pain could be described as a deep or dull pain.In some cases, abdominal pain may be felt but this disorder often asymptomatic physics to all and is discovered by accident during a routine review of Physics in the doctor's Office.

Causes - an aneurysm is often seen in men who are more than 50 years.Men at high risk have a history of hardened arteries or poor circulation in limbs, i.e. frequent feet frio.Otros risk factors include poor health habits and smoking in general.

Diagnosis - during a routine by a health professional examination an abnormal pulse in the abdomen can be detected.Other possible ways to diagnose this condition include x-ray routine lumbar spine that reveals calcium deposits in the wall of the aneurysm.It can also cause significant erosion of the inferior vertebra.

Treatment - condition typically requires a surgery to reduce the aneurisma.Si delayed treatment or condition goes undetected can become a medical emergency and immediate steps must take to prevent rupture.

An abdominal aortic aneurysm is a serious condition described best as a weakened part of the large blood vessel that descends from abdomen.Los symptoms not are always experienced by the person with aneurysm and this can allow you to grow more dangerous as important crece.Es to learn more about this condition.

Congenital neurosyphilis, Gunma slow virus infections of central nervous system

Stigma of occurring at birth include hydrocephalus, mental retardation, seizures, Chorioretinitis, atrophy optics and nerve deafness. These can be associated with other congenital syphilis evidence. Participation neurological develop later in congenital syphilis may take the form of injuries meningovascular, optic atrophy, tabes or GPI. The parenchymal lesions occur late at a much younger age (minor, GPI juvenile tabes).

Diagnosis: Neurosyphilis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of neurological disorders. GPI must differentiate disorders strokes, main dementias, space intra-beats injury and progressive degenerative lesions of occupation.Tabes should be considered in the differential diagnosis of lesions such as diabetic, toxic and nutritional neuropatheis heredofamilial, ataxia and siringomielia.Presencia Argyll Robertson pupil is a strength to support the diagnosis of neurosyphilis.

Diagnostic laboratory; Serology blood is positive in 60-70% of cases. Changes in the CSF are present in many.These include, Lymphocytic pleocytosis rises in proteins and curve colloidal gold one positive her (which can be tabetic or paretic) .the CSF changes depend on the disease activity. Pre-treatment tends to minimize disruptions.

Prognosis: Treatment can clarify meningovascular injury completely. The results are poor in cases established atrophy tabes and optc. GPI may occur a considerable improvement.

Treatment: It manages a penicilina.Cursos repeated may be required and this has to be decided depending on blood and CSF serology repeated at 6 and 12 months after the initial treatment. Dolores tabetic may respond to analgesics and carbamazepine in a dose of 100 mg three times daily. Visceral crisis discusses sedation and support measures.

Gumma central nervous system

Gumma occurs in the third stage of syphilis. pathologically, the Gumma consist of deposition of collagen, forming an amorphouse matric lymphocytes and multinucleated giant cells in the Center and edge plasma cells. T.pallidum is not provable in these lesiones.Marcelaa can be seen in various situations Cranial Dural, leptomeningeal, cerebral and spinal vertebral.estas behave like space-occupying lesions. antisyphilitic treatment response is poor.Line of treatment is excise duty injuries and give antisyphilitic therapy.

Syphilitic deafness: deafness may derive several reasons at different stages of the sifilis.puede result of affection of the cochlea, acoustic nerve, basal meninges or damage in ear half.

Slow virus infections

Some viruses are able to stay inactive in nervous tissue for long periods and produce damage during several years.These are characterized by long period of incubation, slow course progressive and in many cases a fetal termination.The following two groups are distinguished:

1. In the first group, viral agents are identifiable as Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis and progressive, multifocal leuconencephalopathy
2. In the second group, viruses have not been clearly identified, are resistant to antiviral medications, and them not evoke marked antibody response e.g., Kuru and Jakob-Crutzfeldt diseases.

Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis (SSPE) is caused by the measles virus.Occurs in children. cause serious anomalies intellectual functions and other motor disturbances and sensoriales.La disease follows a course of 3.9 months end fatalmente.En Kuru and Creutzfeldt Jakob - disease, there is strong evidence of a viral etiology, however, the real viruses have not been progressive multifocal identificados.Leucoencefalopatia (PML) is caused by a virus (SV 40 Jc Virus) Papoa .conduce to progressive demyelination occurring multifocally.PML is seen in partnership with the States of immunocompromised and lymphomas.

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Article source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Funom_Makama

Funom Makama - EzineArticles Expert Author

The accessory nerve (eleventh cranial nerve) and hypoglossal nerve (12th cranial nerve)

The accessory nerve (eleventh cranial nerve) is a purely motor nerve and has two roots cranial and spinal column. Hypoglossal nerve is also a pure motor nerve and provides intrinsic muscles of the tongue.

The accessory nerve

This is a purely motor nerve. It has two roots-cranial and spinal column. Spinal root stems from the previous five upper cervical segments horn cells and enters the skull of the foramen magnum. These fibres are joined by the cranial root that emerges from the part flow together and ambiguous kernel leave the skull of the hole jugular with the vague.Into the hole jugular, cranial root fibres bind the vague to be distributed together with the vague pharynx and laringe.Esta fibres part of nerve cannot test separately. The part of the spinal column supplies the esternocleidomastoideo and the top of the Trapeze.

Testing: This is limited to the assessment of the esternocleidomastoideo engine power and the sternocleidomastoid trapecio.El is evaluated by the inspection and palpation while patient turns his head against the muscular paralysis resistencia.La is flat and not prominently highlighted on the head to the opposite side. Trapeze is tried asking the patient to tap or shrugging.

Hypoglossal nerve (12th cranial nerve)

This is also a pure motor nerve and supplies the intrinsic muscles of the tongue. Arises from a series of rootlets cord between pyramid and inferior olive and arises skull through hypoglosal hole of providing language.

Tests: You must ask the patient to open the mouth without stick out tongue. In unilaterla paraysis, the language for the healthy side curves sliughtly.The protruding tongue, is diverted to the paralysed side.Look for any loss or the lengua.Esto fibrillations should always be reviewed without protrusion of the tongue and indicates a lower motor neuron nerve injury XII.In injuries to the upper motor neuron, the language is short and speastic.

Bulbar paralysis: this is a syndrome characterized by weakness or paralysis of the muscles supplied by lower brianstem motor cores i.e. the motor nerves in ninth to twelfth cores.Acute injuries as siphetheria or polio, no time for muscle atrophy.Chronic as paralysis bulbar progressice or brain stem tumors are marked wasting and atrophy of the mouth, tongue and the sternocleidomastoids.Esto shapes must be differentiated from pseudobulbar palsy is caused by the paralysis of upper motor neuron muscles bulbar in vascular lesions of the upper brainstem and motor neuron disease.

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Article source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Funom_Makama

Funom Makama - EzineArticles Expert Author

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Choice of different non-operational treatment for hemorrhoids

There are many treatments available to you hemorrhoids. To learn about the best treatment for your hemorrhoids, you need to know the types of hemorrhoids, since the treatment of hemorrhoids is divided by the cause of the symptoms in the treatment of internal and external. Internal hemorrhoids are not skin innervation is painless, except when imprisoned and strangulated and can be destroyed without anesthesia. It has four stages, classified by the symptoms. For phase 1 is bleeding symptoms only, phase 2 can prolaps with exhausting but will return to its resting point itself, at the stage 3 will find you will need a manual effort to put it back into the channel of acal and phase 4 is constantly out by what won't the channel. External hemorrhoids involve veins of anus and affects the skin than innervated by what might be itching or painful and sometimes can crack and bleed. Conservative therapy can be used for first-line treatment, but if you don't have any respond should consider nonsurgical treatment as tubal ligation rubber elastic, injection sclerotherapy, coagulation heat, freezing, Mr dilation of carbon dioxide.

Injection sclerotherapy is a procedure for the treatment of small, internal, first or second-degree hemorrhoids. This procedure using a chemical fluid (urea phenol or quinine) injected at the base of the hemorrhoids.This finally moved in the area of blood vessel and suspend the supply of blood that moves the hemorrhoids, this process will cause more difficult and leaves final die with the symptoms of hemorrhoids hemorroides.Los shall return after a few years and can further treatment.

The rubber band Ligature can be used with the first, second and third degree internal hemorrhoids and more effective than the sclerotherapy. Encircling the base of the hemorrhoids anal cushion with a tight rubber band until the tissue cutt off.

Heat coagulation had used for the first, second and third degree hemorrhoids.This procedure kill tissue in and around hemorrhoids and cause a scar that tissue is produzca.Hay certain treatment using heat to kill the fabric of hemorrhoids and promote inflammation and scare such as bipolar Diathermy, electrotherapy current and photocoagulation with infrared.

Cryotherapy use a cold temperature to annihilate the vein inflammation and scarring. this procedure is not used and less effective.

Mr dilation is rarely used because it can be caused uncontrolled disruption of the mechanism for the technical esfinter.Esta, also known as anal stretch is extending its anal walls up to the point where eight fingers are inserted after the dilation is achieved, inserts a sponge to prevent damage to the area.El aim of this procedure is to relieve the constriction of the zone.

Nutritional disorders of the nervous system

The central and peripheral nervous system may suffer deprivation of various nutrients. Pyridoxine (vitamin B6), thiamine (vitamin B1), cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12), Nicotinic Acid (vitamin B3), Pantothenic acid deficiencies are important among them.

Nutritional polyneuropathy: this may be the shortcomings of thiamine pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin, niacin, Pantothenic acid, alone or in combination.

Thiamin deficiency: this leads to neurological, cardiac or mal-efectos, is known as dry beriberi. Although originally described among people who subsist on rice polished as the main energy intake, the present beriberi is seen more among alcoholics. Neurologic injury takes the form of polyneuropathy symmetrical sensorimotor, characterized clinically by tingling, numbness and distal parts of the extremities.Motor phenomena are lower motor neuron bilateral lesions characterized by loss of two times ankle, gout and the fall of the wrist. There are deep, giving rise to the sensitivity of the calf hyperaesthesia. Some cases can develop Wernicke's encephalopathy.

Vitamin B12 deficiency resulting neuropathy can coexist with myelopathy in many cases.Neuropathy can be provable in 50-60% of subjects suffering from pellagra and subclinical deficiency of vitamin B6 deficiency niacina.La form produces polyneuropathy.More floridly is considered as a complication of isonicotinic acid (INH) hydrazide therapy.6 Mg of vitamin B6 administration prevents the development of this type of neuropathy.

Burning feet syndrome (also known as a condition in which the subject experience burning pain in the feet, especially Gopalan serious during the night, in order to interrupt the dream. examination may reveal cyanosis, excessive sweating, pallor, capillary dilation on both third pies.Una areas of these patients may show the sensibilidad.Mas loss often have may be presente.Muchos patients respond dramatically to injections of Pantothenic acid, suggesting that this vitamin deficiency can play an important role in the pathogenesis of the syndrome.)

Diagnosis, management of coma and Brain death

In neurological disorders, the location of signs pointing to parts of the nervous system disease can be for example present, hemiplegia, palsies of cranial nerves, focal seizures, etc. Meningitis and subarachnoid haemorrhage associated with signs of meningeal irritation such as neck stiffness, Kernig sign and Brudzinski signs. In metabolic coma, location of signs may be absent. In poisoning, other effects of the poison can also be evident.


1. Investigations of routine to exclude systemic disorders include a thorough analysis of urine, estimation of arterial blood gases, electrolytes, pH, blood sugar urea.

2. In the alleged poisoning, gastric chemical examination for poison materials shall be submitted.

3. The cerebrospinal fluid should be considered suspected meningitis, encephalitis, hemorrage subarachnoid or meningeal leukemia.

4 Evidence decided by clinical examination and the progress of the EEG, neurorradiologia, CT case analysis, NMR imaging and radioisotope scanning may indicate in many cases.


Directorate-General: Comatose patients are very sensitive to develop several complications as a result of the loss of reflexes protectors and these must be avoided. Maintenance of the respiratory tract is paramount.The neck has to maintain extended to avoid "fall-back of the tongue. If necessary, you must enter a patient airway. Secretions must eliminate postural drainage and aspiration in cases with depression respiratory artificial ventilation must be established early.In some cases, may be necessary to tracheostomy.

Maintenance of nutrition and fluid and electrolyte balance: adequate nutrition (at least 2000 cals per day and 2 L of fluid) in the form of milk, sugar, eggs, cereals, salt and water are given on a probe nasogastric. food by mouth carries the risk of aspiration in airway and, therefore, should be avoided.Parenteral nutrition starts through intravenous route to complement the nasogastric tube feeding. Intravenous needle must maintain prolonged aseptico.Enfermedad, the position of the needle must be changed every 36 to 48 hours to avoid thrombophlebitis.

Skin care: patients develop sores due to continuous pressure on localized areas. This risk is to avoid activating the patient in bed every two to four hours and keep skin clean and dry.An adequate intake of protein helps to minimize the risk of ulcers of the cama.Cuando coma is likely to extend, special beds which are capable of converting to patients, and help to avoid pressure on localized areas can be used with advantage.

Bladder and bowel: the patient unconscious voids your bladder and bowel automatically and this causes many problems in nursing.Institution of a closed for bladder drainage system helps to avoid this clothing dirt and prevent infection.Bowels moved by small enemas or suppositories at regular intervals.

Positioning of limbs and physiotherapy: members should be kept positions best to avoid fixed deformities.Regular passive movements to limbs help in the prevention of venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism later.

Specific therapy: this depends on the cause of the comma.Anticonvulsant medication indicated if seizures occur.Intercurrent infection (urinary or cutaneous has to be treated with antibiotics, breathing).

Brain death

This issue has gained importance from the removal of organs for transplantation is performed from patients who have no chance of recuperarse.Los patients undergoing support including artificial ventilation measures can happen in a stage where brain functions and the brain stem is irretrievably lost, the patient can continue have circulation of these housings apoyo.Retirada measures will lead to the death fisica.La decision to withdraw these housings is doctor-legales.Por therefore, brain death must have been diagnosed with the help of deep without any movement reflexes for more than 12 hours, EEG.Coma lack of brain stem (Oculocephalic reflexes, reflection of light and spontaneous breathing) reflexes and a flat EEG record indicates irreversible death cerebral.estos brain damage criteria are not valid if the comma is the result of hypothermia poisons overdose.

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Good luck.

Article source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Funom_Makama

Funom Makama - EzineArticles Expert Author

What is complementary and alternative medicine?

Complementary and Alternative healing methods are various remedial techniques used in the treatment of diseases that are not included in traditional medical curriculum, taught in Britain and United States systems. It's not conventional forms of addressing the risks to human health. Complementary and alternative techniques of term covers a wide range of natural therapy through the use of herbs, vitamins and minerals, diet and nutrition, physical contact, and other biological methods for the treatment of the mind, body and spirit. Alternative medicine involves using only the non-traditional methods. In Western culture, any healing or health that is incompatible with conventional medical practice is considered as an alternative method. Complementary medicine is also a means of providing additional healing properties for an individual and help relieve the discomfort of sickness and disease. Complementary and alternative medicine is a general term that includes both these branches.

Alternative medicines and complementary (CAM) are gaining more attention in United Kingdom as modern Western allopathic medicines are complex, costly, and some now prescription drugs are considered to be dangerous to human health. General explanation of medicine complementary and alternative that these therapies, practical group and approaches found outside mainstream medicine conventional that healthcare of individuals deals with it.Major CAM systems have many common features, including a focus on individualized treatment, treatment of the person as a whole to promote self-care and self-healing and recognizing the spiritual nature of each individuo.Ademas, many systems of CAM features commonly found in the care of health, such as a focus on good nutrition and preventive practices.

Homeopathy is a form of complementary and alternative medicine of individualized treatment, with the aim of stimulating the self-healing process. Homeopathic medicinal products are of botanical, chemical, mineral, Zoo or human origin. The Western medical community is opposed to such practices, but as complementary medicine has advanced today, schools that teach "alternative" methods of healing are increasing United Kingdom.Many doctors now embrace complementary medicine because it creates more options to deal with a medical condition.Line lists services and United Kingdom companies provide highly qualified and experienced medical team and professional terapeutas.estos are dedicated to the highest standards of natural therapies that help you to achieve a more than improved health offering a wide range of treatments for relaxation, using natural products to individuales.SearchMe4 preferences is a local information and online which provides contact information for United Kingdom Business Directory alternative and complementary medicine.

For more information about complementary and alternative medicine, visit our business directory

Monday, November 22, 2010

The medical explanation about epilepsy

Epilepsy is functionally characterised by electrical discharge excessive recurring abnormal cerebral origin and clinically characterized by loss of excess of motor, sensory and Autonomic functions with or without alteration in consciousness. Epilepsy can be primary where there is no anatomically demonstrable abnormality of secondary when a local or diffuse injury is present.

Classification of epilepsy: Epilepsy has been classified in several ways.

I primary generalized Epilepsy: tonic clonic (grand mal) seizures of absence seizures (Petit mal), epilepsy, child spasms, Atonic seizures.

II seizures.partial: single - motor, sensory (somatic, Visual, auditory, olfactory), afectivo.Complejo - temporal lobe or psychomotor seizure.

Seizure III. partial secondary generalization.


The cortical neuron is abnormally excitable due to differentiation.The cell cells cytoplasmic membrane has increased permeability susceptible processing to activation by hyperthermia, hypoxia, hypoglycemia and hiponatremia.Deficiencia the inhibitory neurotransmitter benzioc gamma amino acid (GABA) and local regulation of extracellular potassium ions, ions of sodium, calcium ions alteration or magnesium ions are probably responsible for the instability of the membrane. This abnormal electrical discharge, if unchecked, extends the contralateral hemisphere of interhemispheric tracks and also the subcortical reticular brainstem nuclei, from where it feeds excitatory activity towards the rest of the cortex and basal ganglia structures. Most shapes called idiopathic epilepsy do not have any demonstrable injury in the brain. However, secondary types of epilepsy can have definable morbidas injuries. These include areas of neuronal loss and gliosis (scars), hamatomas, tumors and vascular malformations. One of the main clinical features is grand mal epilepsy.

Grand mal epilepsy: the paroxysm occurs at different stages sequentially. Stages can be subdivided into the prodromal phase, aura, tonic, clonic phase and the phase of postictal phase. Several hours before the prodromal stage start ictus (adjustment). Consists of several subjective phenomena as apathetic, or depressed mood irritability, cramping abdominal vague or other sensations intertitles, which are easily recognized by the patient often produces movements stereotyped as the rotation of the head or eye movement, grab the feeling in the epigastriun or a feeling unnatural body just before it is lost somewhere in the consciousness. This is called just before he loses consciousness. This is called the "aura" and often indicates activation of epileptic focus in the brain. In many cases, there is no any aura and the patient gets the attack without any warning.

Tonic phase consists of opening of the mouth and eyes associated with the kidnapping of arms, followed by adjustment of closure of the jaws, often resulting in injuries to the language and a cry as the entire musculature enters spasm forcing air from the closed vocal cords.The patient becomes cyanosed and can be the cancellation of the tough stage orina.Esta 10–15 segundos.La tonic phase is followed by the clonic phase characterised by substitute to and fro movement of all four limbs, sweating, produces foam of the mouth and the excessive salivation.The urine and feces can override.Clonic phase lasts 1-2 minutes.This is followed by a deep comatose States which takes about 5 minutes.Students are slowly beginning to react and the patient then resumes the intervention, but remains unclear.If left undisturbed, he enters sleep for several hours and often wakes up with headache severo.Se trafficking postictal phase and the patient cannot remember everything that has happened except the aura.

Electroencephalogram (EEG) taken during attacks, or sometimes even sample intervals abnormal electrical activity.

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Article source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Funom_Makama

Funom Makama - EzineArticles Expert Author