Thursday, November 18, 2010

Drugs are Going Green

Natural medicines are getting popular today. It has become one of the alternative healing for persons with certain ailments. It has been a source of cure of China centuries ago. Ancient people have used plants, natural herbs and substance to cure diseases or disease. Its popularity spread because herbal medicines have fewer side effects compared to synthetic drugs. Medicine markets are flooded with a variety of herbal products. You could find various types of dietary supplement herbal for a specific part of the body. It is seductive due to the nature of being "green". Its non-toxic due to the use of natural materials found in the environment. Let's take a look on the pros and cons use of herbal medicines.


It has no side effects and their cost of chemical free.It is less compared with synthetic medicine.It accesible.Podria grow your own herbs in home.Natural herbs are good detoxifying agent that effectively eliminates harmful chemicals present in support of increased immune system.It body.It can be use as an alternative therapy for people with allergies to synthetic drugs.Some disorders can be treated effectively with natural herbs.Some natural herbs enhance not only the physical but also mental health.It can be used to reduce weight.It provides an alternative and hope for people with intractable disease.


Healing medicine herbal is slow. Takes time to react in comparison to synthetic drugs.The reaction of these natural herbs can vary from different people.There is no guarantee on the use of herbal medicines. You could not get his result.The planned for medicine regulation herbal is not as effective as synthetic medicine.It could not be used for severe trauma or injury.

Some diseases are known for what people have resorted to other alternatives that might help to treat your disease cure. Some people have argued that herbal medicines have treated their ailments. I don't think directly in his talk television ads or sales.We must be vigilant in control of the manufacturers to avoid aggravating enfermedad.Consejo medicine regulator should be more attentive since proliferates in the market.It is good practice to check whether it is regulated.We should this sale in pharmacies of the license or permit distributors to avoid imitations.It is best to consult a doctor first to self-medication.No way of knowing the real cause of his illness.

Science Medicine herbal is still raw but presents many beneficios.A regret that some manufacturers of make bold and outrageous claims, people must understand that this is still a science not probada.Todavia not available capacity total of what nature we have conferred cables.Todavia harness we don't know if this alternative source of medicine could be the solution for other deadly diseases such as cancer.Tal 20 years from now, the science of medicine herbal would be more established.

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