Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The reason for the choice of stapled hemorrhoidectomy

Treatment of hemorrhoids are determined by the severity of the hemorrhoids. There are two types of hemorrhoids precedure, non-surgical and surgical treatments. Non-surgical treatments can be used for the initial phase of hemorrhoids but if get worse, then you need a surgical treatments.

One of the latest surgical tehnique for treatment of hemorrhoids is a hemorrhoidectomy stapled, also known as a procedure of prolapse and hemorrhoids (PTT) or Longo Staples circumferential mucosectomy. It has become the treatment of choice and has been widely used for the third and fourth degree hemorrhoids (i.e. haemorrhoids which protrude spontaneously or with a movement of the intestines and can reduce manually).A hemorrhoidectomy grapada will reduce prolapse of tissue by extracting a gang of hemorrhoids hemorrhoids prolapse rectal mucosa/internal using stapling circular.Este procedure device based return hemorrhoids tissue to correct anatomical position inside the anal canal.

Only stapled hemorrhoidectomy procedure takes about 30 minutes faster than the conventional procedure, is less painfull than other surgical procedure.It is also needs a time shorter to heal after surgery, instead of techniques convencionales.Desde in 2000 were published several studies confirming that PTT is associated with a low rate of complications such as sepsis. However have been rare cases of sepsis after PTT reported that some doctors recommend prophylactic antibiotics before the procedure.

Maybe demanded of staple foods, what with Staples?Why should I I again doctor a few weeks to delete it? don't worry staple foods are only required until the scar tissue.Then fall and stool go unnoticed for several weeks.Grapada hemorrhoidectomy is primarily designed to address internal hemorrhoids but if external hemorrhoids are present, may be reduced as well.

However, despite all the benefits of stapled hemorrhoidectomy there are disadvantage to this method, patients often feel a fullness or pressure inside the rectum as if need to defecate, but this usually resolves within several also there are risks by undergoing this procedure include bleeding, infection, anal fissures, anal or rectal wall due to scarring, the persistence of internal or external hemorrhoids and, rarely, trauma wall rectal.Y narrowing a stapled hemorrhoidectomy cannot be done if you have anal stenosis because you cannot insert the grapadora.Tambien is avoided if there is an Anorectal abscess, complex fistula in the anus and perianal Crohn's disease.

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