Thursday, November 18, 2010

How to organize your medications, prescriptions, vitamins, and much more

Medicine cabinets can become very messy, very rapidly resulting in frustration while trying to find what you need. To organize your medicine cabinet begins by emptying the entire Cabinet and they tended so you can get a good glimpse of what you have. Pull all expired items and those who no longer want to use and dispose of them immediately. Organize the rest into categories such as pain relievers, cold medicines, antacids, vitamins, and more, and place them in baskets or small containers that will be easy to grasp a hurry. To help you quickly find the right recipe every day, check all recipes (using the permanent marker or small stickers on the cover) for the purpose of the limitation period (pain, cholesterol, allergies, etc.).

If your family members each have many recipes, medicines and vitamins reserved only for them, choose a small container or basket for each individual store their articles.

For those who have trouble remembering to take your pills, dispensers of daily and weekly are a great idea.Si do not want a dispenser, try using a calendar to mark each day in which have taken your medicine. A simple check mark will each time you take your medicine, and then you forgot, if you have taken or not, all you have to do is look at the calendar to see if that day is marked.

If you have to take certain medications every few hours, maintaining a schedule writing times have taken each dose, and when the next dose will be debidamente.Establezca timer if necessary.Various gadgets in the market now should help remind you when to take your medication.You can also set the alarm on your cellphone or clock as a reminder.

When a doctor's appointment, to be sure to bring a list of prescription medicines, vitamins and supplements you are taking now is the number of doses and frequently take each elemento.Anote side effects and reactions that experiences with each asi.Y medication always remember to store medications in a safe place, out of reach of small children.

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