Saturday, November 20, 2010

Development of medicine with the help of gold

People were always attracted by the beauty of gold. Associated it with their gods, they offered it for divine grace and adorn their leaders with her. Its simple charm made people believe that such a beautiful metal can do no harm; You can also improve health or beauty.

Despite their lack of scientific background have reason to believe. Trying to keep his fascinating power margin, you can analyze it as a metal.It has no odor, no taste and does not suffer any corrosion under the action of the wind or the humedad.Ademas is very resistant to any bacteria.

These features recommended to be used in many domains between what medicine.For implants that they can lead to infection gold is the perfect metal as medical impide.Los also used pacemaker with threads of gold and gold chrome heart disease cure stents. Due to its specificities gold is often a part of medical instruments.

But not only the heart can benefit from the assistance of precious metals. Gold is also a part of different drugs against cancer and different methods of combating this disease.While these drugs can also damage healthy cells together with those affected, researchers are studying ways to direct it exactly to the diseased cells.

As part of various salts, gold is used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.Their anti-inflammatory properties discovered that almost a hundred years ago help on this problem of salud.Tambien is useful in autoimmune diseases.

Just on the edge of medicine is the beauty industry.Surgery Cosmetic, targeting certain parts of the skin rejuvenation often include rather intrusive interventions with gold thread.For those don?t wants to go can now use various products based on gold, which reduce staining of the skin and other harmful effects of old age.

It appears that the intuition of our ancestors was correcta.Oro have healing powers in a manner or otra.puede help in the treatment of resistant diseases and can fight against old age of their characteristics anti-inflammatory and other miraculous properties desconocidos.Aparte your doctor uses gold remains known due to the jewelry market and its value as a metal precioso.Para who the numismatic possess as gold sovereign coins is more advanced in terms of collection.

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