Friday, November 26, 2010

How stress can damage your body?

All went there, him, poorly paid, not enough sleep and eat poorly. Living in a constant state of fatigue, anger, and depression, not is has been able to rest properly and always on the go. Whether due to pressure from his family, work, or own personal expectations, we can live lives with stress that turns every day into a misery. Suddenly we are developing the burning heart, putting on weight, our skin breaks out in a rash, increased blood pressure and energy levels plummeting. What's going on? Why react our bodies this way to emotional stress? In this article we are going to take a look at some of the biology behind our reactions to stress.

When its being stressed, when you are unhappy or scared or angry, your body releases a hormone called cortisone. In the short term, this is something great for you; allows your body to access more blood sugar and survival in difficult situations. But that is not intended to be a solution in the long term;Cortisone is intended to give a brief burst of energy in order to help you overcome a problem in the short term. what happens if you still being exacerbated for weeks or even months or years?

Firstly, cortisone levels remain at high levels and began to suppress the immune system.Attacks the lining of your stomach and makes your body less sensitive to the insulina.soltar your skills of healing, drops its capacity to rest, and your body begins to older prematurely.With a weakened immune system becomes more susceptible to flu and cold, with his stomach under attack develop indigestion and heart and with their responsiveness to impaired insulin burning loses its ability to regulate blood sugar and begin a slow spiral towards diabetes and obesity.

How to fight these terrible symptoms? first is to recognize accented lifestyle has a direct impact on health and bienestar.Una time which you agree is not just a question of that would be toughing or being macho, but rather a question of taking care of your body, you have consistently begin to eliminate the source of stress by taking control of your life and to assert yourself.

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