Thursday, December 2, 2010

Strategy of companies drug to push their drug

Pharmaceutical companies have been used for a long time pharmaceutical representatives doctors detail of your product. It is generally a pain in the rear doctors who endure outages and discomfort from these sellers in their offices for samples of these drugs can give their patients to use to test the medicinal product before having to buy a prescription for medications. This sounds good at first glance but actually being the patients and the medical system in general a disservice. Get samples of expensive medicines to treat patients, doctors can be prescription not a cheap generic drug that would work, as well as the brand name drug pricy. Once the patient is the brand name drug and is doing well, it is often difficult to get patients to switch to cheaper generic drugs.

Insurance companies estimated that this was once started to come under pressure to reduce the cost of health care and especially the rising cost of prescription drugs. Responded by making patients pay more for drugs with mark in the form of a co-pay proper patient. Pharmaceutical companies responded offering coupons physicians can give patients, or patients can print online to reimburse the pharmacist to much or all of the costs when prescribing their drug co-pay often. Government taxpayer, Medicare and Medicaid, do not allow this practice for patients who use their insurance, but is commonly done to commercially insured patients.It is an attempt to brazen by pharma undermine the objectives of higher co-payments, i.e. to encourage patients and physicians to use less expensive generic meds to prevent increased cost for the paciente.Esta pharma practice is deplorable and should be regulated, but so far not.

Other markets of pharma in ways their drugs includes direct to the consumer, advertising, advertising for doctors and other professionals prescribing and through the establishment of pseudostudies offered free drugs and care to patients in the studies of hypertension, diabetes, depression, etc., where patients are put in their medication and if you are good, then sent to your doctor to request remains in the "study" drug.

As a patient and a consumer needs to advocate for Yes mismo.Pregunte your doctor if there are good generic drugs that can be used for sampling of expensive medicines you need to obtain prescription later and avoid the use of coupons as an incentive to drug use more expensive when generics will work for you.

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