Epilepsy is clinically characterized by the loss or excess of motor, sensory and Autonomic functions with or without alteration in consciousness. Clinical characteristics include: big bad epilepsy, attacks of absence (Petit Mal), myoclonus, convulsions atoni, child spasm, reflects epilepsy, epilepsy, etc. The four latest clinical characteristics would be elaborated.
Absence (Petit Mal) attacks: these are seen in children and are distinguished by the brevity and absence of motor phenomena. Attack turns without any warning and consciousness is lost only for a brief period. The child stops abruptly all motor activity and discourse. There is a vacant look. External stimuli not evoke any response of the patient. These attacks usually last for 2-10 sec, after that patient resumes activity pre-seizure. Sometimes may be clone movements of the eyelids or occasionally automata as click lips or chewing movements. Attacks can be precipitated by hyperventilation. The EEG anomaly in absences is diagnostic. Displays classic "three per second" Spike and wave discharges.Attacks occur several times during the day, but become less frequent, or may even disappear in adolescencia.A times, these may be replaced by grand mal seizures.
Myoclonus: refers to the good, brief involving a whole limb muscle contractions a single muscle or its part. The movements are usually abrupt and uncontrollable and process momentarily helpless patient.Attacks may occur as a single idiot or may recur every few segundos.Las abnormal electrical discharges may arise from the cerebral cortex, brainstem or spinal cord. Myoclonus is typically associated with other forms of epilepsy as absences or very badly.
Atonic seizures: these are characterised by a sudden loss of postural tone and conscience without other phenomena any motor. This can lead to the sudden "drop" of the individual plant without any warning. Atonic seizures should be distinguished from cataplexy gout attacks are not accompanied by loss of consciousness.
Reflex epilepsy: Epilepsy precipitated by certain stimuli has been designated as reflected in epilepsy by some authors. Common stimuli that precipitate reflexes stimuli are hot waterbath stimulation of head, photic as flickering light, reading, listening music, startle and eat. Benefit is derived by avoiding the stimulus epileptogenic and conditioning procedures.
Partial epilepsy: focal or partial motor seizures are due to an epileptic focus meet in the frontal lobe opposite.Consist of the thumb and the angle of the mouth or the head turn clone movements or movements ojos.estos may constitute the complete engine component of the seizure or may be followed by widespread clone movements and loss of consciousness.Seizures (epilepsy) term motor applies to type where contractions in the fingers of a hand, one side of the face or foot start clones and slowly extended (March) to other muscles in the same side of the body.This may or not be followed by the participation of the opposite side and loss of consciousness.The presence of characteristic gait distinguishes the serizures of partial seizures of motor.However, both have the same meaning of localization.
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Article source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Funom_Makama

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