Olfactory nerves that subserve the sense of smell have their source cells in the mucous membrane of the top and back part of the nasal cavity. Bipolar sensory cells, the distal portions of which consists in ciliates processes are of penetrating the mucous membrane in the upper part of the nasal cavity. The core processes of these nerves, approximately twenty each side, passing through ethmoid cells, which form the brush as olfactory glomeruli terminals dendrites cribiform plate. Axons mitral cells enter the olfactory Groove frontal bones to the brain. Subsequently, the olfactory tract divided into olfactory medial and lateral grooves. The medial straie becomes the opposite of the previous commisure. Lateral stretch fibers emerge from distribution to previous perforated substance and end up in the complex prepiriform and medial and cortical nuclei of the amygdaloid area. The latter represents the main olfactory cortex.
Testing: before assessing olfactory sensations, one must determine that the nasal passages are not blocked. Local allergic rhinitis, the plyps and sinusitis that undermine smell injuries must be excluded. The test substance should be non-irritating and volatile. Fresh ground coffee, asafoetida, eucalyptus oul power oil or lemon are some of the common test substances used. Substances such as chloroform that can stimulate the gustative final-organos or peripheral nerves trigeminal neuralgia in nasal instead of stimulating olfactory nerves, mucosal endings must be avoided. Each ditch should be evaluated separately with another grave be masked.The patient must be ordered to inhaled and identify the substance of ensayo.La odor perception is more important than the identification.
Smell disorders
1 Quantitative: Loss (anosmia) reduction (hyposmia) or greater acuity (which).
2 Qualitative: Distortion of smell (dysosmia or parosmia)
3 Delusions and hallucinations of smell.
Anosmia occurs only if the disease is bilateral.La head injuries, olfactory groove meningiomas and aneurysms of previous previous or brain communicates artery are some of the causes of the unilateral anosmia.Hyperosmia tends to be a feature of neurotic patients.Dysosmia or parosmia can occur with local abnormalities in the nose.Olfactory hallucinations and delusions usually suggest psychiatric disorders.However, it can be associated with uncinadas where olfactory experience is brief and accompanied by an alteration of consciousness and other phenomena epileptic seizures.
The olfactory nerve is one of the twelve cranial nerves in the human body and is very important if your function and disorders are known.
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Article source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Funom_Makama

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