The flu again and Big Pharma companies season has a lot of influenza vaccines surplus last season because guess what consumers got wise and ignores him in record numbers. But she is baaaack....
Yes, the same people that offer drug worse than cure based on the list of the "side effects" that have to tell you now. (Earth Pharma, we know that the side effects are only "effects we wish were not there but we have to say about them, so do not sue us.") those same people are proclaiming a new and improved version of decision-making.It is assumed that you protect you from 3 strains ahora.Tres, three, three strains in one, I can now hear the announcement.
But luckily in the United States we get the benefit of seeing what is happening in these vaccines supposedly seguras.Y guess what. Australia Health Department stopped the vaccine programme since more children were getting sick and horrible effects than the number of children actually prevent flu as a result of the decision.
There are several chemicals in the shots that are bad for the neurons in the brain and especially for the brains in child development. Furthermore, why would be good to inject any chemical product in the bloodstream? He is not.
There is no much easier to avoid all modos.Tomar flu more vitamin C which you think that you need.And take D3 or get 15 minutes of Sun per day.Only two things will be much more good than any influenza vaccine.And you are not hurting or injection.
Heather Burns is a certified herbalist writes about natural to maintain healthy ways and how nutrition and vitamins play a huge role in la.Ella has been helping people with their health questions during the past 20 years. your articles on natural vitamins and herbs have appeared in numerous publicaciones.Para read more about the immune system and stay healthy, visit their site: and expected educatate others on the problems facing our citizens from the onslaught on our civil rights by Big Pharma.
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