Some food nutrient deficiency can cause disorders of the body systems. The type system is no exception and disorders such as myelopathy, encephalopathy, visual disorders, malnutrition and slow development of the brain are all nutritional disorders of the nervous system.
Demyelination can occur in lateral and subsequent columns of the spinal cord as a result of the deficiency of vitamin B12. Although it is mostly seen as a complication of pernicious anemia, can develop in resulting from causes of vitamin B12 deficiency.Myelopathy manifests as subacute combined degeneration, i.e. dysfunction pyramidal extensions and the subsequent columns.The other parts of the nervous system affected include peripheral nerves and optic nerves. the Neurologic injury and Hematological abnormalities (macrocytic anemia) coexist in many cases, but in some, neurologic injury may precede the anemia.Tratamiento with vitamin B12 always corrects anaemia, but if the condition is advanced neuropathy is irreversible.
Thiamin deficiency causes the classic example of nutritional encephalopathy, Wernicke's encephalopathy.The pathological changes include demyelination and Petechial haemorrhages in and around mammilary bodies and the third ventricle and aqueduct.Wernicke's encephalopathy can manifest modified palsies consciousness, ataxia, nystagmus and ocular.Una acute encephalopathy may develop in alcoholics and undernourished people who receive large doses of carbohydrates (especially glucose parenteral therapy) without concurrent tiamina.La management response to the parenteral administration of thiamine 100 mg is dramatic in such cases. Encephalopathy is a feature of Pellagra (niacin deficiency). East manifest as dementia, limbs, spasticity ataxia extrapyramindal riots.
Visual disturbances
Nutritional amblyopia can develop multiple nutrients including vitamin B12 deficiency. This value defines in insidiously with or vision, photophobia and discomfort of retrobulbar on how to move the eyes. Reduced visual acuity.Develop central or parenteral scotomas but peripheral vision fields can remain intact.Stracham syndrome is a combination of visual disturbances, ataxia, deafness and Mucocutaneous lesions.
Malnutrition and brain development
The human brain shows jets development between 15 to 20 weeks of gestation and growth continues for about two years after birth.The most important events are the proliferation of neurons and glial cells tracts myelination.Severe malnutrition (protein and energy) that occur during fetal life and in the early parts of children can leave behind the damage that not correctable by therapy posterior.Esta condition is quite common in desarrollo.A countries regret that the problem of child malnutrition is closely linked with the socio-economic and geographic factors is maximum public health importance to ensure adequate nutrition during pregnancy and lactation.
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