Neurological disorders are considered and/or investigated mainly by instrumental methods. Many are: nuclear (NMR) magnetic resonance, potential Evoked and ultrasound.
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
Also known as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), this technique uses the phenomenon all nuclei that contain water and other elements behave like magnetic dipoles and magnetic fields of possess their own. Each kernel is spinning as one of the main in its magnetic field. Different cores magnetic fields tend to align parallel to the induced magnetic field. At this time a burst of radio frequency is being delivered in the tissue, inclined or to process 90 degrees, 180 degrees, depending on the strength of the radio frequency or even spin nuclei. Of the cessation of the induced magnetic field precessed kernels will resume its original position.In doing so, emit absorbed RF, which can be detected by appropriate sensors arranged around the body under study.Energy delivered in relation to the space is called "spin-lattic time" T1) and in relation to their own twist is called spin-spin (T2) …with time these parameters, equipment rebuilds the organ. the resulting image gives details of the gray and white matter of the brain and spinal cord.
Evoked potentials
Evoked potentials are specific to the cortical, cores or caused by visual, auditory brainstem responses or other sensory stimuli.They have several components, starting with a constant latency of the application of the maximum estimulos.Son cortical areas according to the modality and the estimulo.Ya these electrical potential are very lateralidad low-amplitude (microvolts 0, 5-20), teams are required to amplify them and the distinguish them from electrical background activity of the cerebro.Tres main evoked potential tests currently uso.estos are:
1. the visual change pattern
2. auditory brain stem, and
3. Short latency somatosensory.
Found to be of great value in the diagnosis of various disorders, which can present problems in diagnosis, e.g., Visual evoked potentials are useful in identifying injuries, multiple sclerosis, demyelinating disease to the compression of the visual pathway, Friedreich's ataxia, Huntington Korea, etc..Also helps to distinguish fingido real blindness visual loss.Auditory evoked potentials help in the diagnosis of the acoustic neurinoma, multiple sclerosis and Central Pontine myelinolysis.Somatosensory evoked potentials help in the diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy sensory, tabes, subacute combined degeneration, epilepsy the progressive, etc.
Isotopic studies
Workflow and imaging studies are available for the diagnosis of brain tumours, abscesses cerebrales.Los used radionucleid and subdural hematomas, cerebrovascular diseases is technitium-99 m is located.
Finally the ultrasound is one of the very important instrumental methods of research in neurology and serves to delineate the midline structures and detect the change of the tomographic cerebro.Fotos can be produced, in the newly-born who fontanelles are open.
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