Infections usually involve the invasion of pathogenic microbes in systems of the body or bodies, causing damage or alteration of the organ or system functions. The type system is no exception and one invasive disorders is syphilitic lesions causing neurosyphilis and many infections that occur due to this, is the Meningovascular syphilis (tertiary neurosyphilis early).
Involvement of the nervous system in syphilis used to be common before of the 1950s, but is now clearly rare to see new cases.Neurological injuries are caused by the invasion of the tissues by T.pallidum.Neurological involvement occurs in 4% of cases of syphilis without tratamiento.Hombres are affected 4-5 times more than the females. meningovascular participation is more common in the India, comprising 60-70% of the total.
Syphilitic injuries
1. Secondary meningitis stage
2 Stage tertiary
I Meningovascular syphilis: meningitis forms Basal Cerebral, pachymeningitis, vascular Thrombosis due to endarteritis, optic atrophy and Gumma. The backbone of forms-Meningomyelitis of Erb paraplegia cervical pachymeningitis, syphilitic amyotrophy, radiculitis, Gumma.
II. parenchymal participation: cerebral palsy generally Loco (IPG). Form of spinal vertebral Tabes dorsalis, optic atrophy.
3. Participation of congenital syphilis-Meningovascular atrophy optic, deafness, general paresis of the mentally ill and tabes.
Meningovascular syphilis (tertiary neurosyphilis early)
In this way, the most common injury is leptomeningitis. The lesions occur on the basis of the brain and hemispheres. Basal meningitis may involve cranisl cranial nerve palsies and occlusion of the hole towards the internal Hydrocephalus nerves. Main injury is endarteritis obliterans. The intimate is supplied, the vessel wall displays infiltration by plasma cells and lymphocytes. Supervenes in thrombosis and this obstructs the lumen.Granulomatous changes are also observed. Less often, duramater on cerebral hemispheres can participate in the process granulomatous thickening (cerebral pachymeningitis).
Clinical features
Brain forms: syphilitic meningitis sees in the 18-40 years age group.Basal syphilitic meningitis leads to a subacute or chronic meningitis which is characterized by headache, cranial nerve palsies, raised tension intra-beats and signs of meningeal irritation.CSF shows high protein and pleocytosis linfocitica.El sugar and chloride are normal.Cranial Pachymeningitis causes headaches, seizures and neurological deficit focus such as aphasia or hemiparesis.Syphilitic Endarteritis is one of the causes of Occlusive cerebrovascular youth injury.These cases present features of cerebral thrombosis.Facial paralysis of lower motor neuron can occur and the prognosis for recovery trigemino.El neuralgia is good if the condition is diagnosed early and treated.
The backbone of forms: This gives rise to the image of acute transverse myelitis or varying degrees of pain root cord compression.In some, develops spastic paraplegia.In this form (of Erb syphilic paraplegia) bladder dysfunction is common, but sensory symptoms are rare.
Hypertrophic cervical Pachymeningitis: cervical cord compression leads to pain root, weakness and wear of the upper limbs and erect and paraparesia.Tal image is also known as amyotrophy sifilitica.La cauda equina can be involved causing pain of root, areflexia, weakness and wear that affect the thighs and legs.
Optic atrophy: this may be meningo-vascular involvement or parenquimatosa.El first leads to arachnoiditis, optic neuritis or neuritis retrobulbares.estos changes occur during the tertiary phase sifilis.En this stage, no specific treatment can help reverse the condition. optic atrophy occurs as part of parenchymal participation during the final stages.
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